On Friday, we had a bit of a power outage for some reason. So what better to do than go out into the back yard area of your apartment complex and start taking some photos? It's especially nice when there's a creek winding around back there as well. Remember to click on pictures to bring up the bigger, higher quality versions.

This is the shot I had in my head when I decided to go shoot, and it's the first one I got. I like all of the lines in it. I thought of doing this one in black and white, but I decided to let the color of the grass contrast with the natural blue shadows to get that early Spring look.
Here we have a hole dug by some small animal, surrounded by new Spring grasses and the like. Something about this shot seems hopeful to me.
I did decide to play with some black and white shots, though (pretty easy to do with Photoshop). It took me a while to realize that when you want an interesting looking black and shot, you've just got to contrast it all to hell. There was a different version of this shot with only minor tweeks, and there just wasn't anything to look it. It all blended in. I'm happy with this result.
This was the shot I was most excited about when taking it. Originally I had just intended to shoot the little puddle by the side of the creek, by suddenly my camera decided (thank you, autofocus!) to get a crisp shot of the reflection of the trees above this tiny puddle instead. Again, I thought this one looked nicer in black and white (dull brown mud, dull brown water). I hope you enjoy it.