Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jack and Brownies

Jack and Brownies, originally uploaded by RLHyde.

This is the very classy dessert that Kathleen and I whipped up tonight. That's right, dark chocolate brownies with a side of jack and coke. Nom.

Friday, January 8, 2010

He's a Hero

He's a Hero, originally uploaded by RLHyde.

Of the DJ variety. That is all.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cake or Death

Cake or Death, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Eddie Izzard is my favorite comic, hands down. This is a mug that I picked up the first time I saw him in concert. I've seen him twice since. Life is good.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Plume, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


This is the plume of water vapor that spouts from my cool myst, ultrasonic humidifier. It's pretty much always on in the winter.

This one is worth seeing large and on black to see the detail of the suspended particulates.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Threshold, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


I had set this shot up to have two lights so that you could see me more clearly, but when the primary light failed, the rim light really showed off the texture and color of the walls and door. I was far happier with the mistake shot than than the "correct" one.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Reaching, originally uploaded by RLHyde.

In a continuation of the theme "putting my lighting equipment in the shot," here's day 4. I hope this reaching isn't a metaphor for how hard this is going to get.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kitty love FlashMan!

Kitty love FlashMan!, originally uploaded by RLHyde.

Tesla (the kitty) loves (as is his want)FlashMan. I'm glad he found a friend.

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