Friday, February 26, 2010


Zino, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


This is my new toy! I had to pick it up from FedEx today because they're a bunch of jerks who don't know how to deliver packages. Anyway, it's my HTPC now. Look it up if you don't know what that means.

(Sam -- this is what a Zino is)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ever the Optimist

Ever the Optimist, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Yes, it's still snowing outside. No, it doesn't look like it's going to get warmer any time soon. Still, February is almost over, so something has got to give soon, right? Right.

Thanks to Diesel307 and his recent set for teaching me how to get a nice colored background in my white-walled apartment. (Yes, I realize his model is prettier than . . . well, than me :P)


Snowfall, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Sorry that I forgot to post this to my blog last night. You can check the Flickr version and see that I DID put it out on the internet yesterday, so I'm still on track for my 365 day project!

This one looks good large and on black.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Pileup, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Lately I've been really digging Margot Wood's photo blog, so I decided to attempt to replicate something similar to her style. I don't know how she does her stuff, but this was simply shot in RAW and heavily processed in light room. I like the result.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Day

Snow Day, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


This represents just about everything Kathleen and I did on today's snow day. As delightful as this looks . . . good lord I can't wait for Spring >:(

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Smoke and Eyes

Smoke and Eyes, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


This is a simple shot, not really original or anything, but I"ve been meaning to do it for a while. What makes it interesting is the big creepy monster staring in from the window.

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