these are my hats. I know I've appeared in one or two other hats before, but these three are the only ones I really wear out and about. I contend that the short-billed "conductor" hat is the only kind that I look good in.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Plastic Flamingo
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Old Technology
These things just stare at me uselessly every time I'm in front of the TV. Things change so quickly.
This one needs to be seen as big as possible.
Mosquito Bite Cure
Some of the effects of the vacation are still wearing off - specifically, the dozens of mosquito bites on Kathleen's legs and feet. She looked up a recipe for treatment, though. Apparently you need to swab each bite with rubbing alcohol and then cover the area with scotch tape and leave it covered. She said it works pretty well, but it might not be worth the bother of having your legs covered in strips of scotch tape, thus making it uncomfortable to walk.
(vacation set: 12/12)
I had originally intended on taking pictures of the Saugatuck Dunes in Michigan on the last day of our vacation, but I forgot to grab my camera before we went hiking. However, next to the dunes is this old mansion that is open to the public. The builder of the mansion was Dorr Eugene Felt, inventer of the Comptometer, an invention I had been unaware of but now love. They had a ton of them on display, and this was one of them inside a glass case. I liked the dreamy effect the shallow DoF and reflections on the glass created.
And so ended our vacation. It was a phenomenal time, and I'm still sad that it's over.
Farewell to Camping
(vacation set: 11/12)
We woke up at home on a Sunday morning, having driven 20 hours the day before. Our vacation was cut 2 days short. We were both saddened by this, so on a whim, I said, "Hey, let's drive to Fort Custer, camp there, then spend the next day at the Dunes." We both raced out of bed, into the shower, and grabbed breakfast. So we got one more good day of camping in another beautiful state park. This photo is of the top of our trusty little tent.
(vacation set: 10/12)
Alright, truth be told, I didn't take a photo on this day. Why? Because we were driving originally from Camden, Maine to Niagra, New York, but when we realized the camp ground we were going to stay at was disgusting, and after a reservation we quickly booked through Hotels.com fell through, and after the lady at the hotel we thought we were going to stay at told us that no hotel in the area (Canadian side or US side) had vacancies due to a giant rowing competition or something, we decided to continue to drive through the night until we got home. So this photo was of a mushroom growing in our camp site in Maine. This is all natural light, btw.
Penobscot Bay
Camden Harbor
Atop Mt. Megunticook
(vacation set: 7/12)
On the first full day at Camden, we decided to walk from the edge of the bay (sea level) all the way up to the viewing ridge of Mount Megunticook (elevation 1300 ft.). Now, I like hiking, but let's be serious - I'm from Michigan. Hiking in Michigan is basically taking a long stroll through the woods. I was not at all prepared for the high grade slope up the side of a frickin' mountain! But once we got to the top and got to see the view, it was all immediately worth it, and I look forward to doing it again (though next time I'll train on the stair climber for a few weeks).
Token Camp Fire Shot
Vacation Disaster Summary
(vacation set: 5/12)
Our vacation met with many disasters, among them a failing phone and a case of strep throat (as represented above). Other disasters on this vacation included: torrential downpours while camping, an exploding lawn chair, a broken train, breaking camp in the rain, tornadoes, hotels.com failure, driving for 20 hours straight, the heat wave, a general head and chest cold, and probably a few others things I'm forgetting. With all that said, this really was the best vacation I've ever been on :)
(vacation set: 4/12)
We visited Yale, Kathleen's Alma Mater. It was a lovely place, but I particularly liked the Women's Table Fountain, designed by Maya Lin (who also designed the Vietnam War Memorial). From the center of the fountain (placed in on an oval piece of granite) radiates the number of women admitted into Yale every year. You can see some of the numbers in this photo. Look at it larger to get the full effect.
Croquet, Not Today
(vacation series: 3/12)
On the third day of our vacatoin, I met virtually all of Kathleen's extended family (at least those who lived in New Jersey). We had a croquet set outside in case anyone wanted to play. We didn't, opting to listen to her grandfather's stories for hours instead, but as the sun began to set, the light on the mallets was just too good.