Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hydrant, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


My parents are in town today, so I decided to take an early daylight shot. I like the colors

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Little Friend

My Little Friend, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Tesla has a new tiny friend.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It Are My Birfday

It Are My Birfday, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Ironically, I probably wouldn't give myself an A+ on that title, just grammatically speaking. And I'm an English teacher for the love of god!

Whatever, Kathleen is still the best for making my birthday a very happy on

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Lappy

New Lappy, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Kathleen finally bought herself a nice new toy (13'' MacBook Pro). She loves it, and I decided to give it a good photo tribute.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Winter, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Effing groundhog.

Monday, February 1, 2010

With a Purpose

With a Purpose, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


After a 7:30 AM staff meeting, 2 hours of grading, 3 hours of teaching, an hour and a half of meetings, and 3 hours of class, I come home tonight to do my laundry. If I weren't so determined, I'd never get anything done.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Sundays, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


This is my girlfriend, and this is how we spend our Sundays . . . well, Sunday evenings. During the day we both work on assorted school work.

Oh, btw, she's on leve 64 of Jumbline right now. You can't top that.

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