Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kitty Pile

Kitty Pile, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


This kitty is a whole pile by himself.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter Berries

Winter Berries, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


The first natural light shot of my 365 project. It's pretty.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Foot Gloves

Foot Gloves, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


That's all that socks are, right?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Puppies!, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


Stuffed animals are figuring heavily into my 365 project lately. With this photo, though, my resources are pretty much dry. Only option left is to buy more stuffed animals.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bat Cage

Bat Cage, originally uploaded by RLHyde.


This is my girlfriend's ICE-BAT stuffed animal. She wasn't entirely pleased that I was stuffing him behind bars, but at least he had a pillow for extra support and comfort.

What I really like about this, though, is the texture. Check it out large and on black to see what I mean.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Curious, originally uploaded by RLHyde.

It has been a long day. This photo took about 10 minutes from setup to posting. I had my flashes on stands with their Cactus V4 triggers already on. I just threw my speed gird in place, put the camera on a tripod, set up against the only usable background in my apartment, and took a few shots. Now I'm going to bed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sulley the Adventurer

Sulley the Adventurer, originally uploaded by RLHyde.

Sulley has shown up before in my blog. He's always very brave when I call on him to make an appearance.

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