First off, sorry about the delay in posts. The muse has not struck me? I've been under the weather? I dunno. I definitely missed an opportunity there when the weather was awesome. In any case, I'm back.
So, Valentine's Day happened recently. Being single, this day usually sucks. However, I decided to make the best of it by spending the weekend in Kalamazoo with my friend Kary. Among other things, we sang, we danced (to rave music at a Sushi bar in downtown Kalamazoo of all places . . .), we ate foods, we watched movies, and we made muffins. Also, I caught a cold that is currently kicking the ever living shit out of me. Sorry for not being as witty as usual.

This is Kary and her cat Max. I might come back and photoshop this one to recess the background a bit more and do some other color enhancements.
Max is a cuddle slut (quoth Kary). he also has green eyes. My green bag reflected in them was pretty cool.
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