I'm sure that I'll shoot my good friend Charlie Slick more than once, and in the future, I'll have more tools to work with (I'm investing in an off-camera flash system very soon). This shoot taught me a lot of things. It taught me that my autofocus helper light doesn't help a lot at Charlie's shows, and that my own manual focusing abilities need some work. It also taught me that my on-camera flash can be useful (all of these shots use it, and no shots without it were usable), but most importantly, it taught me that I need better flash. I'll be dropping around 900 bucks on an upgrade soon.

This is the clearest shot of Mr. Slick from the night, and thankfully his stage lighting and the composition worked together to make an interesting shot!

I was trying to get a focused in shot of Charlie, but I ended up getting this dancing dude. A the club itself, I thought the guy looked, well, silly, but he made a good photo.

This shot would be just so much better if Charlie were more in focus and not the tattooed girl in the front.
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