Wednesday, July 8, 2009

God Gave Rock 'n Roll to You

Tribute, originally uploaded by RLHyde [breatheindigital].

Remember Cammila? Of course you do. Well, we're at it again, doing shots for her fashion blog, and this time she wanted to pay homage to her car and, thusly, to the bands she loves the most. It's hard to tell in these two shots due to the paleness of the shirt, but it does say "Queen", which is easily her favorite band. View it large and on black to get a better view.

During this shoot, the wind blew over both of my umbrella stands a couple of times, and my silver reflective umbrella is ruined. I've already ordered replacements for both (shoot-thru is now a little wonky as well). I need to find a better way to anchor my stands.

On a completely different note, I noticed that the link to my Picasa web album was broken. I understand that some people find Picasa's web albums easier to navigate, so I've fixed the link (hover over the "Photo Streams" tab above and click on Picasa). There's a lot of stuff in "web albums" in there, but it's in reverse chronological order.

Distinctive, originally uploaded by RLHyde [breatheindigital].


Anonymous said...

You're a really amazing photographer. I love all the photos you take of Cammila.

Ryan at July 9, 2009 at 8:53 PM said...


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