Friday, July 10, 2009


Recognize, originally uploaded by RLHyde [breatheindigital].

This is my favorite t-shirt. In case you can't quite make it out, it says, "Shakespeare Hates Your Emo Poems." I'm an English teacher, and yes, I wear this to school on a semi-regular basis. Take a closer look.

This shoot was very much a learning experience. I did the same shoot on Wednesday night (different outfit), but I wasn't happy with the results. The flash on the right side of the frame was illuminating the grass more than anything else, the flash on the left wasn't bright enough . . . the shots were interesting, but not what I wanted. So I went back out on Thursday night and gave it another shot.

Everything was triggered solely by me as well. I used my remote camera trigger on a 2 second delay, so I hit the button, pocketed the trigger, and slid down the rail, hoping to hit my mark.

It wasn't always graceful. Enjoy. (Setup shot after the break, so click "Read More")

Equilibrium, originally uploaded by RLHyde [breatheindigital].

Setup: 7/10/09, originally uploaded by RLHyde [breatheindigital].


Carmen at Old House Homestead at July 11, 2009 at 9:07 PM said...

Your blog sucks!

There, I left a comment.

: )

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